Look What's Happening at the Senior Center of Kingsbury &
Fort Edward
Check out our
or Newsletter
page for various events and activities.
to a recent Pew Research Center study, 11% of U.S. adults still
don't use the Internet. That's a significant change from 48% in
2000, but the study revealed that age remains a major factor, with
34% of senior citizens remaining offline. Nonetheless, seniors are
more connected than ever. Eighty-six percent of seniors were offline
in 2000, but easier-to-use apps and sites — particularly Facebook—
brought them online. Pew recently reported that 55% of Americans
over the age of 50 use Facebook. If you don’t use Facebook, why not
get started and see what you are missing?
Monthly Programs
Washington County OFA and ADRC Nutrition Services
Senior Center Recreation and Education / Nutrition Education
Stay Healthy with SNAP ! Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
Hudson Falls Fire Dept.– informal discussion 3rd Tuesday of the month
@ 11:15am
Alzheimer’s Association – Programs
Nutrition Geek - Kristin Stewart 3rd Tuesday of the month 11:30
Legal Aid Society / SNAP program - Kerry Huyben 2nd Tuesday of the
month 11:30
Medicare information and updates, webinars, educational events,
formal and informal presentations,
zoom presentations etc.
Monthly Meetings
Trip / Travel Committee
Washington County Nutrition Program “Senior Dining Washington
County” Meals served Monday through Friday @ 12:00 noon at the
Hudson Falls site. Suggested Contribution $ 3.00 Call 747-9352 for
reservations and information.
Senior Center is now enrolled in TD Bank’s Affinity Program. Go to
any TD office to enroll your account, or see Max to enroll. What a
great program! It’s TD’s way to give back to non-profits and their
members who bank with them!
NOTE: The center is closed when the Washington County Nutrition Program and the local schools are closed because of inclement weather. Listen to your local radio or television stations for school closings.
Reminder: ALL seniors are invited to participate in, and attend program and activity meetings, and fundraising meetings.
Everyone’s input is appreciated. Senior’s interested in joining a committee, be sure to see John “Max”.